I've written before about the trials and tribulations of selling the house that Willie (and I) grew up in during the last 25 years. Today I'm putting the period at the end of the long sentence.
I sold the house today. To a very nice couple who are expecting their first child in 3 weeks (what goes around....!).
This past week, while I was moving out, we had a sewer blockage that erupted, literally erupted, in the basement and ended up all over the floor. Nice. I wanted to just walk away. But between Roto Rooter and Servicemaster (the disaster people) we got it cleaned up. I have never had a problem with the sewer in 25 years of living there! Go figure...I was selling, I guess. And then, the day of the move, we had a snow storm. Go figure...I was selling.
Anyway, it's done and I want to thank many DU'ers who gave me moral support during this long period.
It's done and I wish the new folks that many happy days that Will and I had in that house. NOW, I'm going to bed! :hi: