I went to my grandaughter's school yesterday. They say the pledge to the United States every morning. I stood in respect but the hand did not go over the heart. After this nation and its power brokers let my daughter die from lack of medical care I no longer recognize this nation as something I am willing to give my all for. Those who receive medical/dental care and the benefits of the system are this nation's people, not me and mine although born in this country. If I could take my family to another country that cares about its people I would. The freedom to be in pain, hungry, shelterless is not freedom as one of our past president's stated. I am begining to believe capitalism is an evil. I see the land being polluted by business, the air fouled and water one cannot drink without getting sick so business (capitalism)can thrive. Where are the people who would put a stop to this? Have the rich and well to do blinded the average man? Where are the churches in this matter? This nation's soul has gone to sleep it is only a matter of time before our god (capitalism) destroys our nation and planet unless the common man starts putting his foot down.