I know I'd start with inviting a lot of excellent musicians to perform, and excellent thinkers and artists and others to attend dinners and offer talks, and I'd make sure the media were notified of every event in the hopes that it might filter around the rest of the country that, wow, the president is doing these thinky/artsy things, maybe we should, too!
I'd invite people to perform at the White House like philip glass, Steve Recih, Laurie Anderson, Meredith Monk, Kronos Quartet, Terry Riley, George Crumb, Pink Floyd, Rush (the band, not the idiot), Robert Fripp, Brian Eno, Bowie, and etc. etc. etc. And have performances by Pina Bausch and Mark Morris and Robert Wilson...
And I'd invite thinking people like Will Pitt, Girard, Focault, Brueggeman, Chomsky, Ram Dass, Saul Bellow, Stephen Hawking, John Allen Paulos, Hoefstaedter, Jeremy Rifkin, Larry Rasmussen (though he might end up on the cabinet), Nelson Mendela, Bishop Tutu, James Forbes, William Sloane Coffin, Calvin Butts, Walter Cronkite, and, ye gods, so many more.
I'd host a reception for Nobel and Pulitzer winnners every year.
I'd make it known that I listen to NPR and read the NY Times.
I'd make sure the media showed me reading books (though likely there'd be no way they could miss it, since I'd be reading a lot, like Clinton did).
I'd also use the radio broadcasts and other public speach times to push (or at leasst nudge) a cultural agenda and talk about things important that way.
And, of course, I'd want to fund arts education a lot more, but in terms of this exercise, I'm thinking more in terms of personal example to affect culture, as opposed to legislative ideas. Though I'd like to hear legislative ideas as well.
And of course there'd be the once monthly GOPisEvil/MATCOM/ZombyWoof/ZenLefty/Skittles and other DUer bacchaenel with plenty flowing wine and gin and all the trimmings, just to show I'm a regular guy as well, but smart enough to only invite liberals.
Oh, and freerepublic would become the new database of people who will "accidentally" be stripped from the voting rolls.