She kicked Bush's ass up and down.
A few gems that I can remember.
John Ashcroft: That is one ugly, unsexy mother fucker. When he's out in the club and the DJ says 'this is for all the sexy people'. John Ashcroft gotta take his ass off the dance floor. 'Nope, nope, this ain't fer me. Gotta go now'.
Rush: That fucker was so high all these years. He was one step away from sellin' his ass to get his fix. Could you see it? He's all decked out in jeans and a white tank top trying to sell his sorry ass in from of the hustlers Shakey's down on Santa Monica Blvd. (that's hang out for gay hustlers) Who gonna buy his sorry ass?
Bush: Ya know, I wanna go to one of his rallies and make a big ass sign.(she acts like she's writing on a sign) 'you ig'nant, i though yo' daddy was stupid but it seems dat the apple just fell right off the tree'.
Free speech zones: But of course we CAN'T go a Bush rally and protest! We have to got to a "Free Speech Zone", which is of course 2 miles away. Why is it at gay pride parades we have this mother fuckers with this signs "You're Going To Hell: John 3865839.9679659" Like I'm gonna go home and look the shit up.
Gay marriage: Here's what we do. Boycott hetero weddings. Wedding planners all over the country we will saying "Excuse me, bitch. If I can't get married yo' ass ain't either. Do ya own god-damn make-up." Gay marriage would be a financial boom for this country. Ice sculptors alone would clear the national dept.
Freepers: (in reference to the e-mails she got and the response back to them) I have such a great fan base. When they got a hold of this, those queens when crazy. I unleashed Al-Gay-Da. Within hours I had these right wingers BEGGING ME, 'please take my e-mail off your website, I'm sooooooooo sorry. I was wrrrrooooooonnnngg. Make those gay people leave me alone. I'm scaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrreddd"
There's so much I can't write it all down. But it was probably one of her best shows I've seen.
BTW - For you lurking freeper fuck faces, don't even try it with the e-mails unless you want AL-GAY-DA on your sorry asses AGAIN!