I warn you that it is of a spiritual/religious nature.
Yesterday I went home early from work because I felt like crap. I was also very depressed. I have been so down lately about everything happening in the world and some stuff that has been happening in my personal life. So I went home curled up in bed and started crying & praying. I need to say that I consider my self more a spiritual person than a religious person. I believe in God, but my God is so very different than the fundies God.
In my praying yesterday I told God I was so sad and so tired. I just did not understand. I was feeling hopeless and alone. I asked for help, for a sign, for peace. I know that we can only overcome the hate, greed and selfishness that is destroying this country with love and compassion, but I was feeling I had none left.
I fell asleep for a little while and when I got up I ran to the bank to deposit my paycheck. I decided I really wanted to buy Clarke’s new book so I went to the bookstore. I grab Clarke’s book and was walking up to the counter to pay when I saw Desmond Tutu’s book “God has a Dream”. Without even thinking about it I picked it up. That might not seem like a big deal, but I never buy full price books without planning ahead.
Last night when I went to bed I took my 2 new books with me. I picked up Tutu’s book first and opened it. The first words I read were; “Dear child of God, I write these words because we all experience sadness, we all come at times to despair, and we all lose hope that the suffering in our lives and in our world will ever end. I want to share with you my faith and my understanding that this suffering can be transformed and redeemed. There is no such thing as a totally hopeless case.”
As I read that I started crying again. I felt that I had my sign. If someone who has seen all the suffering that Desmond Tutu has seen can still have hope and faith I certainly can. I felt less alone. I felt hope again.
I don’t want this to seem like I’m preaching or trying to convert anyone because that is not what I want. I just wanted to share that when I was feeling desperate I was given what I needed. I was reminded that we cannot change the world for the better with hate, only with love and compassion
I am so grateful to DU for all the support and information I have received and for helping me feel so much less alone. I want everyone to remember that if we all work together we can change anything and everything.