I ended up in the position because I gave my occupation as IU grad student on my meetup form; a few days later I checked out the indianaforclark.org website and found that I was listed as the IU coordinator! I figured, well, at least if I do it, things will get done.
So I got us recognized as an official student group and all that jazz; I think we had about 50 members by the time the campaign ended. There would always be people volunteering for the various events, but I learned real fast that I better plan to be present for the ENTIRE time, because there would always be folks who wouldn't show up. What really would chap my ass was that half the time they didn't even e-mail to apologize after the fact!
We have much the same problem getting people to actually do stuff for the grad/professional student organization, too. I'm on the executive committee this year, and I had no idea -- everyone SAYS they'd love to work on various issues, but it's the same 10-15 people or so (out of a membership well over 100, and there are THOUSANDS of grad students here, all of whom are invited to help on projects) who end up doing most of the work. I kind of wish I'd gotten involved sooner, now, because the issues we're now working on would have been much easier to address before the current budget issues hit the state. But yeah, everyone loves to bitch, but when it comes time to put your time where your mouth is, so to speak, suddenly everyone's way too busy.