This is the review I wrote for amazon.com (I tried to start a new topic, but I don't have enough posts yet):
More than just a book, it's a bold stand against evil
We've witnessed for the last few years as the Bush administration has turned the national tragedy of September 11th into a scheme for their own aggrandisement and profit -- and yes, make no mistake, the Republican leadership has been earning money and power through their shameless exploitation of suffering.
But there is a man -- a brilliant, principled man -- who has begun to tell the truth. His name is Richard Clarke and he is a great American hero. One man alone, against the entire resources of the White House and the federal government's efforts to slander him, abetted by Bill Frist, Wolf Blitzer and others. Do you understand just how much COURAGE it takes to go out in public alone and tell the truth, knowing such a barrage of slime is going to be thrown on you by the likes of Cheney and Limbaugh?
With the ruthless aggression of a group of VERY evil people focussed against him, Clarke is having his moment: he tells the truth, and his attackers desperately sling ad hominem attacks in a vain attempt to discredit him -- to kill the messenger. The message is clear:
All over the nation, bold people, heroes, are standing up; they are Democrats or they are Republicans like Clarke and former Treasury secretary Paul O'Neill. They are former Republicans like General Wesley Clark. They are lifelong Republicans like Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski, General Anthony Zinni, former White House terrorism expert Rand Beers, General John Shakashvili, former New Jersey Governor Tom Kean, and so many more: The Bush White House has vacillated between the extremes of incompetence and outright evil, and all the brightest stars of his own party -- those not blinded by bigotry and hatred -- are turning away from him.
Nowhere is this clearer than in the powerful, substantial, documented presentation that Richard Clarke has made in _Against All Enemies_. Clarke took an oath to protect this nation against its enemies, enemies such as Osama bin Laden and George W. Bush.