I sometimes listen to a talk radio station that is beamed from Amarillo, Tx. Most of it is crap, but there is one guy on there that makes sense much of the time. He was talking today about the Bush team going to meet and discuss his economic policy.
The thing that got me was this: He said (paraphrasing) that the team is not going there to discuss unemployment, interest rates, deficits, etc. What they are being called there for is to tell Bush how his tax cuts helped the economy. The host was flabbergasted, and even pointed out that the tax cuts have NOT helped the economy. He received some interesting calls, to say the least.
I was shocked. This guy is always up on current events, and takes a truly even handed approach to subjects. I would name him, but then the freeper types would see him for what he is and I wouldn't have the pleasure of listening anymore.
This is the first time in years I have heard anyone on the radio making sense of issues rather than spouting off canned rhetoric.
Do you have anyone in your area of the world that you can listen to on AM radio without feeling you have to smash the receiver?