I been thinking about how some people see things.
I actually thought some liberals were painting some posts as conservative, I am beginning to think that the right is trying to appropriate concepts and thoughts. Although I do know there are some modifications to clips, I figure that just points out what some are doing, it is complicated, but it is part of not playing the game to ignore such things.
If you think in methods that are shallow or surface layer, and look at something that is deep, the having a little information is far worse then no information. Because the information is seen wrong.
It is like thinking pure women in heaven as having anything to do with sex or gender, or thinking that skin color has anything to do with light side and dark side. If you can only see on superficial levels, you will go backwards in thinking when seeing things, although that is probably part of the intent.
Race is another example, I rarely talk about race because I ignore it, but some do think on it. Reviewing the tapes you can see many examples of usage of color of black and white, including by some choices of actors. If you think that is about race you are being deceived so that you do not see any real meanings. If you fight based on some skin color, you fight for nothing, and that is the goal of people seeing things in terms of race. I do think it is good to defend groups that work for diversity and equality, that happen to be of mostly one race, but not for promoting a race, but solving the problems of race inequality. So that is why I support concepts like NAACP JJ's Rainbow coalition and other groups that are of mostly one race. Since they are not promoting a single race, but promoting equality between people of all races.
So in many videos there are obvious uses of color, that does not have anything to do with race, if you think that, you are so mixed up, because you are thinking in terms of things that do not have any meaning.
I think there are people interpreting things by race, hearing that the only people under ethics complaints were African Americans is disturbing, if that is true, and former CIA guy on ethics board, anyone see a problem with that? If that is true it is a best a joke, and ironic at least. Especially since he tried to erase evidence tapes.
What is also disturbing is that people could think that many thoughts are about race, and that is the reason for choices of actors or colors in ideas. If it is that some person made something with a racial intent, then the people making those choices are wrong in my view, if they choose the colors not thinking on races being different, then it can have some value of promoting race equality.
Go watch the video California Girls, you can see it in a certain way, and that may or may not have been the intent, but it is possible. If you see it by race and body type, you can see a superficial judgment of people in the video. But it can also say other things if you don't think on that level, not sure what the producers of that video intended, but what they intended does not have to be a way a person sees it. In the same way male/female in most encoding is not about gender, but that also is a long story. However I don't think in terms of pacification of the male as promoted by some sources, but more about ideas of strength with the female, again it is complicated and not about gender.
If people see things by race, they miss the messages, and instead fight for nothing, like things like someones being of a body type, which is meaningless. Skin color, or even body shape does not determine a persons heart, never has, never will.
There are some racist people in places, that see things shallowly by race, and they are the problem, regardless of their race, because they are not seeing anything real, and are doing things based on false ideas.
On a personal note many years ago, it was tried to be told to me to think in terms of race, I found that ridiculous and overcame that delusion, and so I do not think or see on terms of race, however looking into some things, I realize some people do, and they are a problem.
However when thinking on that level I wonder about the reasons for people that make some movies.
For instance, SG1 and Star Gate Atlantis, if you look at the use of colored actors, you see a pattern. Although some of it is because the show speaks in terms of different false gods for different races, there is a pattern in that show.
Look at all the African American characters on that show. One use to be first prime of a bad guy, another is a shape shifter hiding his true appearance by creating memories. That is not enough to make a conclusion. But in Stargate Atlantis, the people of race were the tribal people found in that area, and the individual that was not white that was part of Atlantis went all dark side and wraith like. They also talk about genes running the chair, again a view that is wrong. So when finding interesting comments in those shows, those parts are ignored since they come from shallow lack of understanding.
I really don't know if they were thinking in terms of race, and would hope they are not in that delusion, but that kind of pattern can be seen by many things made by people. And some people can think there is some meaning in that based on race.
Does that make sense? Some people can mess things up and put that in there shows, and other people can see things from messed up views and look for those messed up ideas, thinking the mean something to somebody.
To understand things, any ideas that have a intent in a show, like supporting some branch of military, some country, some race, some area, anything like that in any story, or about sex or material money, just get discarded as noise, it makes seeing things much easier if you do not think by those groups, that may be why many people do not see the meaning in things, or why they can not understand many comments.
That does not mean the military is bad, nor are things like having money or pleasures in life bad, but they really are not part of deeper thoughts on society and life.
Side note
Hard Headed Woman
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsJqfG97J3oAC/DC - Thunderstruck
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvoeeq-BH4wSide note, I still don't have smokes and beer, and am getting upset about that, if you think that is the way it is suppose to be, then you are an issue that needs to be resolved.