I've been wanting to write about this for a long time, but every time I sit down to do it I run into a mental block. I think a part of it is that it's hard for me to relate how terribly homophobic truckers can be. I'm a trucker and I like truckers for the most part, but there are a lot of ignorant truckers out there when it comes to this subject. I've actually heard truckers seriously say that they think that all gay people should be killed. Most of them aren't that bad, but enough of them are bad enough that gay truckers must feel shunned.
I think a lot of the ignorance is due to most truckers not having much in the way of an advanced education. I've got two years of college education and I'm probably a rarity as far as truckers go. I've run across a lot of truckers who didn't make it out of high school. You have to be smart to be a good trucker. A lot of people don't know that. But I don't think that a lot of truckers have been exposed to different subcultures. Most of them are straight white men and I get the impression that many of them think that they are superior because of that.
And now I have run into that road block. I'm going to try to keep going here, but if I don't make much sense you'll know why.
There are a lot of complex problems in the world. But I've often thought that many of them have simple solutions if people would just set their differences aside and recognize that we are all human. If you are open enough to listen to people you will find that each of us can be a source of enlightenment. You also have to be open enough to consider that you can be wrong. Are you seeing what's real in people or are you seeing a reflection of your own bigotry that you've projected onto someone?
You have to be tough to make it in trucking; no matter your gender, sexual orientation, and race. For those who are not straight, white men, you have to be even tougher. I've talked to female, gay, black, and latino truckers and they are always surprised to find that I'm open to really listening and talking to them. That's disheartening to me. It says that I'm not very common. At the same time, I live for that connection. The moment when someone who is in a minority drops their guard and realizes that I'm cool with them I think gives them a little hope and it also lets me see who they really are. Yes, there are straight, white dudes out there who get it. In a field of work plagued by homophobia, sexism, and racism, a lot of drivers might not think that guys like me are a reality. But we're out here and we're fighting the good fight the best we can and in our own ways.
My heart goes out to all of my LGBT friends out there. I know what you are dealing with on the most basic, raw, and fundamental level. You are in a struggle to win your humanity and the majority of people in this country are against you, not to mention a bunch of truckers.