Edited on Sat Aug-07-10 01:29 AM by RandomThoughts
Since at some point there is overlap that is a ratio to planet size and distance at overlap.
At 180 degrees, each viewing arc is a tangent on a circle in 2d.
Which would mean terrestrial you would need infinite amount of units to cover every area, but only if you also wanted 1/infinate inch above the ground also watched. So from a math perspective it is the old story of plane tangents on a sphere, where the further you go out at point of first intersection the fewer you would need.
The easy answer would be to think of a cube and just say six.
But basically any two that are not parallel would intersect, and at that point of intersection that area would have full coverage. So three on a circle would give full coverage, but on a sphere in 3d coverage would requier another level, or one or two more, would have to think about it to know if it is 4 or 5 for max coverage.
Interestingly with 181 degree coverage, an not on surface, 2 would give full coverage, but the range of overlap would be based on distance apart the two units are.
However you remind me of a great SG1 story, where Daniel Jackson was given great abilities, and it turned him evil.
Which is a huge thought on what happens when people think they can do stuff without consequence, or without limits, corruption often occurs.
That episode was a 'destroy ring of power episode' where the child told him that if he had Gould power it would only end up making him bad, since bad only can do bad, and in that episode the knowledge was bad.
Or power corrupts, hence why the less corruption you let in, the more power things try and make you think you have, to get you to think you are more then you are, and why I contently laugh about how I don't do things, nor think I have any control over other people, but believe people make free will choices. Although I do think both good and bad powerful things can occur through people, or it seems that way.
I think people should be free, and would not ever steal free will.
Although I still will have the finances to go out and have beers with friends and travel, because by all justice I already have it even if not here.