If you are looking for meaning of the post, most conversational meanings are in these. To help answer questions also added an example of the simplist encoding. although it used a method that also can get muzzle flashes from some groups.
Whos the spider,
whos the fly,
whos decieving who,
for what and for why?
The fly will be fed
the carcase is warm
little creep crawlers
soon to be born.
But spiders set traps,
while flys buzz n hum,
mods have power,
controlling the forum.
an elevator an elevator!
thats for those that fall
the hidden, lier, and hater
I simply say peace to all
Rosebud a classic,
many have sold
not cryptic,
bright and bold
Soon a flower
our Lord of power
ripped walls of paper
light shines in the vapor
I'm drinking! I'm drinking!
the Jack goes down
I type not thinking
but I do not slow down
Messages without meaning
another swig of Jack
a life of feeling
not looking back
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WANNqr-vcx0Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit-
LOL, no sam, live sure (<-- simple encoding here) erus is a form of probing.
li' art, eb flow, not own (<-- simple encoding here) was used for probing also.
boyfriend the butcher just pour
alice a keeper cleans the home
Wonderland a place in a hole
father marries the mother
children 3 n 3 not on the dole
draw cab, 2 first sis n brother
Middle breaks with a noise
football a bad throw
prostrate jeers from boys
Marsha 3x more then a doe. (more advanced encoding. Mars Ha, three kisses more then a baby deer)
(encoded lines NWO 2000 wolf be trail, probing evil mason. LOL) Really basic encoding, but also used to see if it was possible to get muzzle flashes from those that have concepts on backwards forms.
Levels and depth are fun
more to things then one
tuck the brains back in
zombies prowl in the din.
But zombies are great
when healed and awake
the cure is not to late
People speak, a world they make.