Edited on Tue Aug-10-10 10:44 AM by UTUSN
Well, "outage" isn't exactly the word since all the (channels?) were working, just NOT the correct ones.
5 A.M. In the dark I reached, as usual, for the two remotes (1 for the t.v., 1 for the receiver) to put the Morning Scab circus on----------and it's in FRENCH!1 At first I thought it might be a clip of something happening somewhere. Click click click to CNN, HLN, etc., and they were ALL in furrin lingos!1 I'm having a wingnut break-out/erruption here!1
CSPAN was a Chinese kids' show. CNBC was an Indian from India guru's fundie tirade, quite at odds with meditative stillness. All the rest of the Program Guide were paid programming, infomercials.
Call to DISH---good luck with that, as always. Several attempts failed. Others led to voice menus, meaning weird, one-word blurtings in the dark, and not of the warm and fuzzy type. Finally, a successful Hold, successful in the sense of not being cut off, but it turned into INTERMINABLE, the message being that DISH had no intention of talking to you.
In the several threads here asking DISH or DirecTV, my input has always been the same: MURDOCH owns Direc, DISH has lousy tech support but been with them 15 or 20 yrs and have never had to buy a replacement receiver, etc.
But I had never had THIS kind of a problem. After awhile, guess which outlet came back first----why, Faux, of course. And I've Googled and Yahooed for news of what happened, but NOTHING. The only reference was the Faux/"Friends" who said somebody twittered them that they were "an Indian cooking show." The only news about DISH was that they lost 19,000 subscribers in some quarter and their stock fell something or other. The Faux creeps said that "some wires were crossed but have been fixed."
What's fun to think about is that they could actually give us whatever channel anywhere. What if they gave us a choice outside of those packages.