My suggestion: Life After Thumbs: a shocking TV series dedicated to exploring what life on earth would be like if everyone woke up without any thumbs one morning.
{Grim announcer's voice}: Sunday, a sunny afternoon at Yankee Stadium. But it's a sobering scene on the diamond this day, dozens of professional inflielders suffer injuries trying to palm-catch pop flies. In the outfield, the players are less busy, because the team at bat can't hit the ball that far any more. An ambulance is called when the next man at bat cracks his ribs because he tried swinging the bat by gripping it with his underarm and swinging from the shoulders. All of Major League Baseball shuts down within the week. Because people don't have thumbs anymore.
(switch scene to a gritty urban street scene)
{Grim announcer's voice}: The mean streets of the Bronx, where tens of thousands of people have turned to crime after being laid off from their jobs... because they don't have thumbs. The police are unable to draw their guns on these criminals, not even this lowly pickpocket. Fortunately statistics for most theft crimes are down. Criminals can smash without thumbs, but now it's really hard to grab... in a world without thumbs.
(run closing credits)
{Perky announcer's voice}: Next week on Life After Thumbs... Disaster at Heathrow Airport!