Office 2010 certs don't have any training/prep software out yet, and a friend of mine who does IT work says that all the Office certs may not even be ready for another year or so.
I'm primarily looking at Certiport for the training/prep software (Certiprep) right now, especially since Certiport is the company in charge of administering exams. Certiport is offering prep software for $300. (
I think that's the best deal, given that the only other preparatory program I've found is offered through a local community college that's got an affiliation agreement with something called Ed2Go/Gatlin Education. That program is asking $1600 for what they claim is an online course. Frankly, I think that's total bullshit and a gross overcharge, so unless someone presents a really compelling reason to take it, I'm going to go with Certiport.
Has anyone here had experience with Certiport's prep software? Is it user-friendly? How long did you spend practicing before taking the exam? Were you able to pass the certification exam easily after training with the software, or did you struggle? Anything else you think I should know?
Thanks in advance to anyone able to help me, since I'll only be checking for replies intermittently.