verbal abuse is not like physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, at least not if you're over the age of 13
if you're not tough enough to deal w/ berating -- isn't that just a fancy word for yelling? and didn't you have a mother, shouldn't you be able to handle some YELLING to save your home -- then what job can you do?
any job that involves contact w. the public, you'll at some point have a shithead who yells at you, it sounds like in this job, you just have the one shithead yelling
seems the thing to do was listen to your lawyer and let the berating/yelling/whatever you like to call it roll off your back until you find a different job
if you walked out to take a better job, leaving the asshole in the lurch, YOU WIN, but instead you walk out to nothing, probably to lose your home and now to look even more undesirable to employers so the asshole wins
you really want the guy who was "berating and insulting" you to have such a big win that you will lose your home?
i just don't understand it
as i said, i had a mother, i've been yelled at before, and i'll be yelled at -- excuse me, berated -- again, and it's better to get paid to be berated than to be just berated as a scrub, don't you think?
a great many bosses/supervisors are petty tyrants, if you want to have a job, and you're not related to someone influential, it's unavoidable, isn't it?
right now you're looking like a quitter and the guy who "berated" you is congratulating himself that he got away without a long probationary/training period because you were a wash-out right away
sorry that's my take on it guys yell, i don't like it either, esp. since a woman who yelled and berated would be considered a you-know-what, so it's doubly unfair...but it's life...saving my house would be worth putting up with some temper tantrums