This country is begining to look like Nazi Germany. Ask any person who lived through the second world war. they will tell you about the same patterns. Hilter wanted to kill and did kill "the useless eaters". He went at it directly. The US just lets it poor die from their ills unless they have the money. What an ugly nation! We even torture like the Nazi,the very same thing the world court held trials for Germans participating in war crimes during the second world war. What a nasty case of denial.
Doctors and dentist don't want to serve the poor because there is not enough profit in it. YET,if the government trained people for these service you'd be screaming like a bansee. Employee owned businesses could be started with the help of the government, but you RW babies could not handle the competition.
Workers allowed to come into the US because they have the skills and knowledge taking jobs away from American workers. Americans are not any less intellegent than people from other countries....just LESS educated because it costs too much money. While developed Europe educates their own free and care for their own medically. But the US can't do it...my rear...someone is not getting "his" profit margin. Why not educate our own?
The lower classes are now having their homes forclosed on them while those with money reap the wealth of years of work and investment by the lower classes. Damn near slavery. Don't piss off the peasants (as corporate America calls us). If you continue to abuse the common man maybe a French Solution is in order.
You "Right to Lifers" are cruel. Bring a child into the world when you cannot care for its basic needs because you think your so damn moral...what a laugh. Didn't Jesus tell you to feed the poor? Well you are not doing it.
A man with a cleft pallat could never get it corrected because he did not have the money or insurance. I saw a man in Utah leave his worldly goods at a bus stop. Doesn't bother you, huh? How I wish you were put in that same spot. Yesterday I saw an older woman wheeling around all her wordly goods in a basket. What a rotten country that lets that happen. You and your RW values don't pass the smell test. And some of you have the nerve to call yourselves Christian! Just wait until the parting of the sheep from the goats. The Master will not be fooled by your "but, I didn't know". I didn't know there were so many monsters in this nation.
Yes, if I could get out of the US I would. Unfortnately, I'm stuck here with the self-centered and can only hope enough of you get kicked in the teeth to finally gather together and start changing some laws and take care of your own citizens who NO FAULT of their own cannot earn enough money or even get a job to live like a human being instead of an animal you just tolerate.
In the bible it says in the last days man shall not have natural love (agape) for man and be lovers of self-interest. You are looking at it in the face.