I know, a long rant, but I desperately need advice.
Background: Little over a year ago a co worker called me into a room to "talk" about a disagreement we were having one evening at work--she was essentially referring everyone who needed help with patient care to me even though I already had a few other tasks on my plate, emptying her plate onto mine and getting mad when I said "um, no, I won't do it all". Instead of talking, she used her torso to push me up against a wall, raised her fist to me, and blocked the door to keep me from leaving. I yelled help at the top of my lungs, she backed down. I insisted on the police being called afterwards. We ended up in a session with the police, my manager, and asst. manager (who was there that evening). She lied thru her teeth about everything, gave a performance worthy of an Oscar in front of everyone, and in the end we were both given warnings and signed something that said if there was anymore trouble between the 2 of us, we would both be let go. Fastforwarding thru the months, I've had to deal with her still being pissed over her actions being outted and questioned. She's done the whole "snake in the grass" stuff, rude/condescending to me, talking trash to others about me, dumping work on me when she has time to do it herself, all while being innocent and "poor me" iin front of management. I make a point of not giving her any ammunition or verbal grief that she could hold against me or report me for. I talk to her when it is about patient care but that's it. I have no desire to sit and socialize with her as I do with others at work. Clear cut we are talking for work related stuff only. I was called into a meeting a few weeks ago where she falsely accused me of taking breaks and not telling her. She went onto say in front of management that she cannot stand to be in a room with me, that it disturbs her to see me talk to other co workers, and that the only thing that will make her satisfied is if I were to be fired from work. All this was said in front of the boss and asst. boss. She complained that we don't communicate, that there is too much tension between us. Boss did nothing during the meeting when she made those comments, just went onto other things and ended the meeting with " I will pray for the 2 of you" We then get ordered into a clinic wide staff meeting because 3 staff people wrote anon. notes saying that being around the "two of us" gives off tense vibes. I insisted that specific situations be given so I can help recollect what was happening during those instances. I don't want "sit there and defend yourself over a general, vague, anonomyous accusations." No one in the room would speak up except her..she looks around at the staff and says "help me out here, I'm drowning". I ask her directly for specific examples. She looks away, won't answer me. Instead, she gets up, runs out of the room crying. The only 2 examples that one person gave was HER using a go between to give me a message because she didn't want to talk to me and another instance where the co worker felt SHE held a grudge too long because when she asked a **group** of us a question one morning, no one answered her (because none of us knew the answer to her question).
It was a bad day at work today, I had several fires burning that needed to be put out, I was helping other people triage patients and give them shots, had to investigate wrong orders given to me about a patient. I went and asked her if I could use a room for a specific patient treatment. Was I frazzled and having overwhelming multitasking issues? Yes. Did I sound a little gruff when I asked her and another co worker for a room to use. Probably. Was it at ALL related or driven by our **dynamics**? No. It was a heat of the moment tone of voice--tired, worn out, being torn in 3 different patient care issues at once. Instead of asking me directly why I sounded stressed and frustrated, she runs to management and tells them I am still being difficult, that I was rude to her and unprofessional. Had she asked me and said it offended her, I would have apologized left and right and explained it was not her I was upset with. But she, instead, wrote a nastygram to the boss about me. So, NOW, it appears my boss is trying to bundle this with our past, asking me to put in writing what happened, my boss wrote HER boss saying that counseling me is in order, that I don't accept ownership of my behavior, that I may be someone who discreetly causes problems at work. Basically, saying "these 2 have had problems in the past and now look what happened today, she apparently got rude".
So I submitted "my version" in writing. Tomorrow we are supposed to talk about what happened. Any counseling done to me is going to be directly submitted to human resources.
I am at my wits end. I guess I knew all along things would go her way in the end, she has been there 10 years and has management so wrapped around her finger, to a point where it is almost like they are afraid to confront her or see thru her snake in the grass behavior.
So tell me, DUers..how do I approach this tomorrow? Keep in mind all of these in the trenches dynamics are kept well away from anyone outside our setting, it all stops with my boss. The clinic group even asked to bring in outside therapists to council us as a group and the boss said no way, no hell, this all stays within our immediate area.