Edited on Sat Aug-14-10 01:39 PM by alphafemale
Once, in a barely remembered life, I worked as a manager of an over-night stock crew in a major grocery store.
I replaced, as manager, a guy who had actually chased a shop-lifter out of the store with a gun he pulled from...somewhere.
For some reason, both local police and store management were not that thrilled with this reaction to the pilfering of foodstuffs.
When I came into management, I was pretty much under the "non-confrontation" orders. Which pretty much meant keep your eyes open...get a description...take note of the time...but pretty much let the cameras take care of it.
On this occasion, some of my crew alerted me to a couple of women behaving suspiciously, as in they had actually witnessed them "hideaway" some stuff."
And, by the way, if you are intent on stealing groceries, make it quick - go at a busy time of the day - and at least buy ... something.
Strolling around a grocery store at 2AM for 45 minutes and then leaving without a purchase...maybe...just maybe...be viewed suspiciously.
So. As these two, 2AM supermarket strollers were ambling in awkward gaits out the doors, I think they knew we suspected something. Half the crew watching their every move at this point may have clued them in to this.
As they were exiting, sans check-out. I said "Have a Good-Night!"
They didn't acknowledge.
A few awkward steps later...a layer cake...a fkn round layer cake drops to the asphalt from one of their skirts.
And I swear to you...without pause.
The woman turns around and says :
"I had that with me when I came in."
> > >
By consensus, for the laugh that "line" gave the crew that witnessed it was not reported to the 'AuthORiTAYS."