Also I decided that serious comments were not listened to, and the arguments that get you to bring the facts to debate a serious topic was mostly to stall and get you to waste time proving points that are already known, basically the discussions were disingenuous. And when they could not be argued against they were still ignored.
Also After you say the same thing for enough years, you start finding entertaining ways to say it. And someone might think it better to discuss a topic, but if that method has already been done, you approach things from some other direction.
Also saying the same thing is not only monotonous to the listener, so entertaining ways to say things sort of occur for a few reasons.
I really understand your comments, they could apply to me also.
I asked if you had a suggestion, but when I discussed abuse of corporate governance that did not have an effect, so why would that be better then any other style of talking? If it did not have an effect then why use that method to speak?
Are you suggesting I try something that I already did expecting different results? That would be insane.
I do post about myself, it is a side effect of this being the only conversations I have with people. (noted assumption)
Got the expected reply in another thread, there is really only one reply, but it is not made for reasons of secrecy usually.