"Supportive discrimination?" Yes, it was a WTF moment.
Someone at work asked if I was taking any time off this summer. I said yes, a few days in September; I'm getting married. She gushed as many people would, then asked how long we'd been together. Ten years, I answered. She said that's wonderful. She said she believes that if a couple has been together for a long time they've proven their commitment and should be allowed to get married.
See what I mean about supportive discrimination?
She's a nice woman and I like her but she is obviously completely ignorant.
I didn't call her on it. It just is not worth the aggravation -- nor, in this setting, the alienation. I don't know if she's a gossip. I've been there almost two years and I don't know anyone well, have not made any friends, just acquaintances. But I have no intention of contributing to my own trashing. I could take it -- words intended to hurt do not hurt me -- but as I said, it's not worth the aggravation.