Well, I dreamt last night that I was visiting a flat in an elegant Victorian house in central London, and the other people there included my mother, three of my students, a builder whom I know, and - Tony Abbott, the right-wing candidate for PM of Australia! In my dream, he had somehow been appointed as Education Secretary in the British government. He had a car parked in the street, and I was asked to go and sit in the car and wait till he came out. The car suddenly started to move and I didn't know where the brake was or how to stop the car. Fortunately, it wasn't going very fast, and I managed to get out of the car, and with the help of someone else in the street, we managed to turn the car around at right angles so that it faced a driveway, and somehow that stopped it.
(I don't drive, but have recurring dreams about out-of-control cars. I suppose Cameron's government HAS been going in the wrong direction with no brake!)
I have been having a number of bizarre political dreams since our election. Another was that it was revealed that some of the new Conservative MPs were not real people, but artificial intelligence programmes 'programmed to be right-wing'. This resulted in a big court case about whether computer programmes are eligible to sit in Parliament.