Russell pulling out the media's spine isn't just a poorly veiled metaphor for gay rights or the issue of gay marriage. It was, perhaps, a condemnation of why anyone would WANT to embrace this culture's most revered institution to begin with. Why fight to have equal rights in a society in which those rights are based on superficial principles to begin with? When the society you want to accept you is one of rampant commercialism, narcissism, and violence?
When Russell tells us that vampires will eat us (and our children) because it's their very nature to do so, he's fulfilling our deepest fears of The Other, he's mastering the role of the scapegoat. THIS is what equal rights would REALLY mean. The destruction of our families. The very elimination of not only our sacred institutions…but of US. He is fear projected. The far right on steroids. And yet at the same time, he's also completely deconstructing the entire issue.
True Blood can often be accused of being too literal, but much of that fault lies with the source material. You can only do so much when characters literally have light or darkness inside them. But the series has a chance now to do something really special with the last three episodes (sadly without Franklin…I was hoping he would join Tara in therapy, perhaps they could have appeared on In Treatment.) It's a battle for the very nature of our souls. Let's see which side wins out.