It's funny cause it's true.<snip>
The problem is not those well meaning individuals who write thoughtful reviews of, say, stainless steel ice tongs...
The sturdy design and one piece stainless steel construction make this a top notch party time accoutrement. If I had to nitpick, the faces of the ice gripping surfaces themselves could be slightly more concave in order to accept some of the larger cube shapes common among high end bagged ice. Still, this is a minor complaint especially among tongs in the $9-$11 range. Good tong! Recommended.
--Dan Bertlesen - A tong user from Islip, New York.
I think you'll agree that this is a thorough review and would seem to be the last word on the matter. But on the internet, it doesn't work that way. For given the vastness of the internet's reach, Dan's review is likely to set someone off...
Dan Bertlesen, are you high? Do you smoke pot for a living? Are you sure you didn't use these tongs shortly after dropping magic mushrooms?
More at link.