... and it scared the bejesus out of me (I saw all three endings; the original then two more found online). I'm a 39 year old male with a wife and three kids; not usually impacted by horror movies, but this one gets right under your skin and starts whispering a lot of unpleasant scenarios. The scariest thing is how random the events depicted were; they "just happened" to the girl in question, for no apparent reason other than a malevolent being decided "Yeah, you're the one I'll pick on."
Went to bed last night and couldn't bear turning out the hallway lights and going upstairs in the darkness; had to leave those on until I was in bed.
Woke up at 3 AM in terror as someone was coming into the room (my younger son) - that was an hour's worth of lying in the dark afterwards, hellishly reliving all the scenes from the movie, not wanting to face the doorway to my room.
Ran on the treadmill alone in the house this AM - kept looking behind me half-expecting to see some shadow slipping by, or worse.
I think it will be a long, long time until I forget this movie...