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Jack Torrance seemed like a good guy, too.

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woo me with science Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-01-10 12:20 PM
Original message
Jack Torrance seemed like a good guy, too.
This is old, but I missed it when it came out.,2667/

Sasha Obama Keeps Seeing Creepy Bush Twins While Riding Tricycle Through White House

WASHINGTON—A little more than a month after the first family's move to the White House, reports of strange happenings have continued to surface, with Sasha Obama confirming Tuesday that she had once again been visited by the eerie specter of the Bush twins.

According to White House security documents, Sasha told Secret Service agents that the ghostly twins spoke to her in unison and repeatedly beckoned her by chanting the phrases "come play with us," "come play with us, forever," and "Daddy's making fajitas."...."She said they kept whispering 'we want to party' over and over again," said one Secret Service agent, who comforted Sasha following the incident. "God, it's so horrifying."

With her father often tied up with work for hours on end, this is not the first time Sasha has reported seeing malevolent spirits while exploring the 132-room mansion. Earlier this week, the 7-year-old was startled to find an angry, silver-haired woman named Barbara in the Map Room, and on Monday, the first daughter saw what appeared to be former attorney general John Ashcroft lying naked and unconscious in a bathroom tub.

While some White House staffers believe the visions to be nothing more than a child's plea for attention, others are less skeptical, claiming that the building's last resident committed horrible atrocities...

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theNotoriousP.I.G. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-01-10 03:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. I read that book like 12 times
and every time I had to have my sister go to the bathroom with me. All work and no play.....the Obama girls would just kick these little twits to the curb I hope.
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woo me with science Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-01-10 04:18 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. "All work and no play..."
That typewriter scene was definitely among the creepiest of the movie.

I left out this sentence from the article:

"As disturbing as her encounters have been, Sasha claimed that the sounds of incessant typing emanating from the Oval Office in recent days are what worry her the most..."
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slay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-01-10 04:56 PM
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3. rofl
too funny.. love the onion.. i missed that too when it came out.. thanks for posting.. :rofl:
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