Seinfeld and Superman have once again joined forces with American Express to create an action-packed, sidesplitting "webisode" that chronicles the daily exploits and unique friendship between comedian and Kryptonian. The four-minute webisode, entitled "A Uniform Used to Mean Something," co-written by Seinfeld and directed by acclaimed film director Barry Levinson ("Diner," "Rain Man"), is a humorous glimpse into a day-in-the-life of pop culture's latest "odd couple."...
...Shot on location in New York City, the webisode follows Superman and Seinfeld through their day. The twosome discuss their views on reality television, visit a local diner under a reservation for "Man of Steel," catch a cheeky Broadway show, and of course, Superman takes down a bad guy. "A Uniform Used to Mean Something" is the first webisode in a two-part series. The launch of the sequel, "Hindsight," will be announced soon...