Seriously... this happened today on FB.
A friend of mine posted a "comment" that he wondered what the President thought about the Pledge of Alliance.
Me: I hope he has more important things to think about...
Neocon dope: The fact that Americans see it as unimportant is what concerns me most. We have a president who has failed to live up to and defend the constitution, so I sincerely doubt he gives a hoot about the pledge of allegiance. I think we need to start burning down universities because they are the biggest source of evil that has been eroding the moral fabric of our country. about an hour ago # Me: Interesting... "defend the Constitution" but "burn down universities".... about an hour ago #
Neocon dope: Yes because that is where all the anti-american and socialist and anti-christian vitriol is coming from so I think if we are to survive as a nation, we need to get rid of those people first, otherwise we are doomed as a nation about an hour ago # Me: Yeah, because controlling how people think is EXACTLY what the framers had in mind. (sarcasm)Nothing big about a government that shuts down the free discussion of ideas.(/sarcasm) about an hour ago # Neocon dope: Oh yeah, like the elitist pigs don't try to do that by belittling everyone who disagrees with them, or telling anyone who asks the difficult questions at town hall meetings to sit down and shut up. At least we let you say what you want to say, you guys arrogantly try to silence everyone else who you see as beneath you. about an hour ago # Me: Town hall meetings... you mean the ones were folks were encouraged to actually disrupt the meetings and shout down the folks answering the questions? You think those folks weren't trying to silence anyone?
I have no interest in Orwellian nightmare you see as an ideal society.See More 51 minutes ago # Neocon dope: Ok, here's a history lesson for you, why don't you go to Washington and read all the biblical inscriptions on our monuments, look at the bricks on the foundation of the white house or the capital building and, and how about the documents on... display in the smithsonian and national archives talking about this being first and foremost a christian nation. Then we can talk about the free exchange of ideas and how B.O. claims we are no longer a christian nation while recent university studies concluded that 87% of Americans see themselves as christians. I guess you are not as smart as the university certificate on your wall suggests. See More 48 minutes ago # Me: Ah... and there's the personal attack. End of discussion. 47 minutes ago # Neocon dope: Yeah, well there were just as many obama groupies doing the same thing, so don't even try to use that as an argument. 47 minutes ago # Neocon dope: Was it the part about your university education that bothered you, or was it just the boatload of reasonable evidence to suggest you were wrong that caused you to stop debating? 45 minutes ago # Me: I don't have a university education. And even if I did, it wasn't relevant to the discussion. If you can't discuss ideas without getting personal, then I don't want to discuss ideas with you. (oh, and good Christians don't walk around calling people who disagree with them "stupid.") 42 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · # Neocon dope: Stop fabricating, I didnt call you stupid, I just took you down a notch from your high horse thats all 41 minutes ago