Edited on Thu Sep-09-10 01:07 PM by Crankie Avalon
...does your workplace have a credit union?
If you can't pay off $4,000 within the next few months, you should find a place that will give you a loan for enough money to pay off your 18% debt, at a rate lower than 18%, with no fees that will wipe out the difference.
Many credit card companies will offer 0% for the fitst six months. See if you can switch your debt to one of them, provided you aren't locked into sticking with them after the six months are over. Move on to another 0% six month introductory card and repeat process till you are paid off. So long as there aren't hidden fees for cancellation, initiation, etc.
These are some ideas. The credit union one would be best (least likley to have sleazy "fees" that you have to watch out for), but not every workplace has that.
EDIT TO ADD: and obviously, cancel the 18% card once you move the debt to someplace more reeasonable.
EDIT AGAIN: Sorry, must've not seen the part where you mention being currently unemployed. Unfortunatley, that WILL make loans harder to find. It's most likley why your current credit card won't give you a better rate. Maybe you have parents or other family or friends willing to make a personal loan to you at alower rate of interest. Good luck.