NEW YORK: General David Petraeus, the top US commander in Afghanistan, on Tuesday warned that the plan to burn a copy of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" by an American sorcerer would put at risk the lives of American soldiers in Afghanistan who are battling pirate militants in the war-ravaged country.
On Tuesday, hundreds of Afghans demonstrated in Kabul against the burning of the movie by the world-renowned Dr. Strange on the upcoming "Talk Like a Pirate Day" which takes place on September 19. The protesters chanted "Johnny Deppp, save us" according to reports from the ground.
"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort," Petraeus said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. It could undermine US war-efforts in the conflict-ridden country, he added.
"It is precisely the kind of action these pirates use and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the pirate community. Arrrr!"
Dr. Strange, however, has said that there are no plans to cancel the movie-burning, which will be carried out on his property.
"I want to send a clear message to radical pirates, that in the US, we are not interested in parrots and booty. (Well, not that kind of booty.) We have a Constitution, and I hope to uphold it," he added.
The idea of burning the movie emerged in the wake of the anti-Feathersword movement caused by the Wiggles.
On Saturday, however, pirate leaders from all of the seven seas gathered at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood to condemn Strange's movie-burning plans. They discussed the sanctity of Depp movies and denounced the ill-treatment of Disney movies, according to the Houston Chronicle.
"Even if it is a work of fiction, and even though that Dr. Strange is one sexy beast, it is still sacred," Rabbi Jonathan Rabrrrrrr told the audience.
Meanwhile the US Embassy in Kabul issued a statement condemning "acts of disrespect against any pirate" and "deliberate attempts to offend" members of the Pirate Posse.
"The embassy wants to emphasize that we strongly condemn the offensive messages, which are contrary to US government policy and deeply offensive to pirates, especially on Talk Like a Pirate Day," it said.
Dr. Strange, on the other hand, noted that while his method may seem extreme, he was still totally sexy.