I mean the last 2 seasons they wrapped up the season by the last episode and then gave us teasers for next season. Season One's dead body in Andy Bellfleur's car setup Maryann's Maenad for season #2 and Bill being kidnapped setup season #3 Mississippi/Werewolves storyline.
But I thought this year was a far cry from the previous 2 finales. I guess Alan Ball knows he has a hit on his hand and left EVERYTHING as a cliffhanger for next year including:
- Sookie walking again towards the light
- Lafayette seeing really messed up stuff
- Mama Foytenberry buys a gun and decides to go after baby vamp Jessica
- Sam shooting at his brother
- Jason being arrested and all those inbreeds from Hotshot - :wtf:
But even though the ending was a bit of a disappointment there was alot of good in that show. I loved how they finished off the Mississippi storyline. I think Bill is going off the deep end with his protection of Sookie and even that started to creep me out a bit. And did Eric look any hotter covered in Cement? I guess Bill wasn't fast enough killing off the one person who would be able to find Eric. And Sookie (along with the rest of us) found out the truth - Bill setup Sookie to get the shit beat out of her so he could have her drink his blood almost immediately after meeting. He knew Sookie was something special and wanted her to himself. When Eric shared that with Sookie it was like *BAM*. And I think if the show is to stay interesting it has to be more than just the 'Bill & Sookie' show. Best scene during the episode - the absolute joy that Sookie got dumping Talbot down the garbage disposal. I laughed my ass off with that one. And the good thing is that Russell is not dead. Just buried in cement and one fang left which means he will be able to come back next season (it was mentioned that he would be returning in season #4)
I was so happy to see Hoyt & Jessica together and I loved that he found that house for them. I actually thought the scene with Hoyt, his mother, Summer and that idiot guidance cousellor was crazy fun. Mama Hoytenberry represents all the homophobic, racist, closed-minded assholes in this country and she plays the part very well. I kinda wish they would have shown the mother going after Jessica and leaving it hang there but I have a feeling that those 4 (Hoyt, Mama, Summer and Jessica) will be a bit more promiment next year.
It was nice seeing Sam open up to Tara like that. I think he realized he's not an asshole but he also needs to be honest about who he is. Tara's reaction was classic with the 'Oh no not another *)#%ing supe' attitude. But I have to give credit to Tara - she knows she's played the victim long enough and that whole scene with cutting her hair was very symbolic. Tara wants to leave behind that girl that was mad at the world and embrace life a bit more. I look forward to seeing what happens with Tara next season. But Sam & Tommy didn't really have a strong ending. Sure there is a cliffhanger there about whether Tommy was shot or not but I would like to think that Sam will give Tommy another chance especially since he found out that Tommy never learned to read.
WHOA about all those inbreeds from HotShot. Jason really did shine yesterday when he talked about how Felton and his gang were making all this money on Meth/V but yet there were so many people living there that were dirty, underfed and in need of some serious dental care. That scene a few weeks back where Jason found some person stooped over eating a dead carcas reminded me about stories where children lived in such abuses situations that the kids would eat garbage out of the neighbors can just to find food. I looked at that whole Hotshot scene as an analogy for society today - where a few people get filthy rich off the abuse and hard labor of others while the rest of us struggle to stay alive. There was some nice writing there.
I love Lafayette and Jesus but not sure where this is going, I guess I have to wait until next year. And the rate the 3 seasons have dragged out I suspect Arlene will finally have that baby in or about season #10.
Your thoughts?