They tested him from the time he was young and by the time he was five had determined that there must be something wrong with the wiring in his brain because there were no test results that pointed to any specific cause. The family accepted this and lived with the fact that he was mute.
When he was 15, the entire family including many relatives were sitting around the table at Thanksgiving. Everyone was talking at once (as usual) except for the boy. Everyone was eating and the table had grown quiet. Out of the blue, the boy said, "please pass the salt."
Everyone looked up and stared at him in disbelief. Finally, his father broke the silence. "You spoke! After all these years, you spoke! How is that possible?"
The boy took a look at the salt shaker (which had not yet been passed his way) and replied, "I just never had anything important enough to say."
That's an old family joke, but it came to mind recently when I was thinking about where we are politically. This isn't the time for the Democrats to remain silent. They need to ask for the salt now and ask for it in a loud voice. Then they need to demand the salt and a slew of other things. We need the tax cuts for the middle class without the top 3%. We need help for the jobless. We need loans and tax credits for small businesses that create jobs in the US. We need a lot more than just the salt.
SPEAK THE FUCK UP NOW or it may be your last chance for a long time.