Edited on Mon Sep-27-10 12:04 AM by unpossibles
I generally try to take the high road and not devolve into personal attacks with them, although I don't ignore the BS - as a former researcher, I enjoy looking things up in a twisted way, plus since they all use the same arguments it gets easier and easier (although more frustrating) to shoot them down repeatedly.
I guess this is why they almost always start the personal attacks, if they were not already making them in the first place. They have no ideas, no original thoughts, and when you challenge them to THINK - which is all I am asking! I don't expect to agree on anything or everything, but would love for them to start actually questioning the BS information they eat and regurgitate mindlessly - they start on the personal attacks. Not just me either, but anyone. If you are a woman or gay, they will start with the easy ones. It would be funnier if it were not so damn sad.
So tonight, after having several non-attack rebuttal comments deleted off some Teeper's anti-Muslim hate spam and another off the same dude's post about health care, I called him out on it. He and his buddy started making fun of my music (and providing a link to my site). Again, not only do I not care, but it got me a handful of hits and new listens and when I pointed this out, they were like "anything to help you get off assistance blah blah blah." Fucking morans one and all. Even the more rational ones are still so stuck in their propaganda that they tend to not even notice it, much like how a lot of bigots are unaware of their own bigotry. One guy who is always the first to say "hey let's not get personal" also makes comments about how Liberals are purposefully destroying America, etc.
These people are flat out nutso insane and no amount of links or data proving they are wrong on health care, on the economy, on the war, on Islam, on America not being a Christian nation sink in ever, if they even bother to read them (and you can usually tell they don't by their off topic jabs). several are total birthers and are constantly posting garbage about how they will take back America "by ballot or bullet" or "peaceful but prepared" type of crap, and always going on about how all Muslims are evil and hate us, to which I sometimes ask what their preferred solution is, death camps or just forced conversion under torture. When I point out that such statements as "by ballot or bullet" show not only a fundamental misunderstanding of our electoral process, a disdain for democracy, and a lack of moral fiber they tell me I am over reacting or worse.
As much as I don't want to let them take back the House for pragmatic reasons - very pragmatic reasons - I also don't want the TPers to win because they are childish asshats and it bugs me to give them a shred of credibility for their BS message. Fuck these guys, and fuck their corporate sponsors who tell them to go out and march "for the people" and promoted policies which screwed us all over already. Fuck them and their votes for the very things which got us into this mess.