This is wierd...and sorry this is kinda long but it needs some background so here goes: I collect old wooden alphabet blocks; I have hundreds of 'em, some spelling out messages here and there, and many more in baskets or bowls just sitting around. I have gotten them at garage sales and thrift stores, and my dad (who was a retired minister and antique dealer) had given me many as well. Daddy died in January, and a few weeks ago I was at Mom's helping her clear out some things as she prepares to go to assisted living. In the basement, I found two old blocks sitting on a shelf with some other assorted junk, and I tossed them in my purse and when I got home, I just threw them in one of the bowls on the kitchen table. I had glanced at one, and registered that it was yellow and had an "O for Octopus" picture on it, and thought it kind of neat that it spelled out "octopus" instead of just having the letter "o." I didn't pay any particular attention to the other one at all, just tossed it in the bowl with the hundred or so other ones in there. I have my Mom staying with me for a week or so right now. We were talking about Daddy and also about my daughter, who died about six years ago. One of the blocks that came from a set that Dad had given me had a "C for Cow" picture on it, which I particularly liked since my daughter had a cow collection. These particular blocks were a little unusual in that the pictures of the objects on them were large and the letters of the alphabet were almost unnoticeable, very small and in the corner of the face of the block. I wanted to show Mom an example of that set, and I reached for one of the blocks in the bowl on the table. I thought I was getting one from the set that had the cow on it that I liked, but as it happened, out of all the blocks in there, I chose the OTHER block that I had grabbed out of the basement at Dad's, the one I had never looked at. And when I did really look at it, my knees buckled and I had to grab the chair in front of me to keep from falling down. It was a block for the letter "G" and instead of the usual goat or gate or whatever, it had a picture of a smiling man and the name "Gordon" spelled out, and that was Daddy's name...and for a little extra added touch, the picture on the reverse side of the block was a bunny in a buggy, and my Mom's nickname is Bunny... It just really made me happy; it felt like Daddy saying "hi" and being happy that Mom was OK. I had promised him I would take care of her and make sure she was OK, and it was just really cool and VERY wierd to find that....
Just had to tell someone! Thanks for listening...