What is a float container? It has something to do with money, perhaps at the register. I don't think it's a tip jar. Here's where I heard it:
At a restaurant:
Customer: “Hi, I was in a few days ago, and something I ate chipped my tooth. I called and your boss said you would reimburse me.”
Me: “I’m sorry, it’s not our policy to offer cash reimbursement without the manager present. However, if you leave your information I will pass it along to the owners and we’ll see what we can do.”
Customer: “Oh.” *stands there staring at me for a minute*
Me: “Is there something else I could help you with?”
Customer: “Are you going to give me the money?”
Me: “No, sorry, like I said, that’s not within our policy.”
Customer: “Oh, ok.”
(I leave to refill another customers beverage. The customer robs my float container from the drawer through some sneaky maneuvering.)
Me: *catching the customer at the door* “I’m going to need to take that back from you.”
Customer: *reluctantly hands the float container back to me, looking forlorn* “But….but….it’s for ME!”Thank you