Kay Bailey Hutchison was more moderate than she seems now.
Texas before the 70s was all Democrat, and the battles were between the conservative Southern Democrat wing and the populist wing. Ralph Yarborough, for instance, who was a real populist, compared to John Connally, who was a conservative. I went to Ralph Yarborough's funeral in the State Cemetery here in Austin, and one of the guests asked me if I'd seen Connally's grave, and I nodded at the large black marker up the hill from Yarborough's. The older man looked at it, shook his head sadly, and said "That's too close." Connally in 1970 was more conservative than George Bush (the father) in 1970. I was five, and in Mississippi, in 1970, so I know this more from history than experience, btw.
After the Civil Rights fallout in the 70s, the conservative arm of the Democrats moved to the Republicans, so the Republicans had the independent moderates of the 60s alongside the conservative former Dems of the old Democratic Party, as well as the real conservative Barry Goldwater types. Politicians like Phil Gramm and Rick Perry switched from the Democrats to the Republicans during the 80s. So both parties were a mix of ideologies.
Reagan moved the whole Republican Party to the far right, but during the 80s and early 90s there were still moderate Republicans, conservative Democrats, and a lot of people still in transition. When Ann Richards won, she did so by being moderate and pro-business, in contrast to the far right Clayton Williams. Even so, she won mostly because Williams kept getting caught telling sexist jokes about rape, and lying, and being generally stupid.
So four years later, when Kay Bailey Hutchison ran, she was somewhat moderate, and closer to Ann Richards and Lloyd Bentsen in ideology than to Phil Gramm. For that matter, George HW Bush was more moderate than Phil Gramm, even though he was campaigning as a Reaganite. He was opposed to the pro-life movement, a supporter of Planned Parenthood (which he had a role in starting in the 60s), and an opponent of Reagan's Supply-Sided economics, but he ran as the heir to Reagan and campaigned as a conservative instead of on his own beliefs.
So I voted for Hutchison over Fisher. She was more moderate, and I didn't like Fisher at all. Still don't--I still think he's more conservative than her. Since then she's moved more to the right, as has the rest of Texas, and my opinions of party unity have matured. :)