Thank you for the responses! I took Flaxbee's advice regarding the shredded paper. The only thing I had on hand was a pizza box... I am not sure that worked so well since one of my socks was wet when I stepped in a certain place! I blame it on my shredding skills! I tried to give the little one a piece of cheese from a sandwich that I had bought earlier, but he wasn't interested.
So, anywho, I brought him (I now know that it was a him) into my room and shut the door. Meowing ensued. So did an inordinate amount of exploring. Lordy, the kittehs are such detectives! Being VERY tired, I put in my earbuds to listen to some music in order to drown out the meowing and searching sounds. I was awaken a while later with a tug on the wires. Ha! I tucked my Itouch and wires under my pillow. I fell asleep again, only to be awaken by the kneading of my comforter and the kitteh nestled next to me. I gave him a few scritches (ok, maybe more like 5 minutes worth!), and went back to sleep. When I awoke, he was still nestled against me. :) More scritches.
Morning time came far too quickly. Honestly, I was a little hung-over physically and emotionally from the election. However, I knew that the first order of business was to get: a) food, and b) bathroom facilities! The Fancy Feast and the formal bathroom were used and appreciated!
{enter here the demmidog/kitteh interaction}: Without getting into too much detail, they had a mutual fearful/respectful realtionship. However, I would like to note that a hiss and a back-raise left demmidog running!
So, after I took care of kitteh's needs, I started to think about finding his owner. I decided to call the office of a nearby apartment building. GOLD, struck it! The owner called the office to report her lost cat. Apparently, the kitteh slipped by her when she opened the door. Kitteh is a rescue and mom is a wonderful person.
P.S. I would have so keep this kitteh if he wasn't claimed.