I just saw Roger Water's "The Wall". What a fitting thing to do on Veteran's Day *spoilers*
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Fri Nov-12-10 02:36 AM
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I just saw Roger Water's "The Wall". What a fitting thing to do on Veteran's Day *spoilers* |
Not sure if you need *spoilers* for a concert but just incase some of you are still going to an upcoming show it's best I put it there.
As for my review of the show: for the first 80% of the show I found it fricking amazing! Watching them build the wall and with the video streaming across that wall tied in perfectly with the show including the amazing 40-ft tall puppets. When Waters did "Comfortably Numb" I doubt that I have ever seen a more perfect example of live music ever out there - it was mesmerizing.
My only disappointment was the last 20% of the show really felt like Water phoned that one in. With all that he had done with the wall, the video and the puppets, once we got to the trial part of "the Wall" I expected to be blown away. Instead what I saw was a high-tech wide-screen viewing of "The Wall" movie with a few tiny sections of new stuff added in along with what I assume was Water's lip-syncing along to the trial. Oh I can't really begrudge the lip-synching, that section is a challenge part musically and included alot of instrumentals above and beyond what you'd see at a typical rock concert - he'd need an orchestra to play some of those parts. I suspect it wasn't much different then seeing Queen do Bohemian Rhapsody in concert - since they really didn't have the ability to play the opera middle-section just show it on video to the audience while the band took a quick smoke break.
But my only grudge is if you were just going to play a tape recording of those last sections then do something to blow us away visually. Most of us have probably seen the movie at least once in our lifetime and not overly keen to think we spent hundreds on a ticket only to be show the movie at the end of the concert. I really thought there was a perfect example to roll out 1-3 more puppets to complete the finale of the show. Wouldn't it have been great to see the judge come to life at the end? Or the Snake? Or re-show us the mother.
But overall it was an amazing show and very well done thru most of it. When you go to the song "Run like Hell" I felt like I was one of the audience members watching Pink transform into some crazed nazi-like guru as you saw in the movie. It was also heartbreaking to see the names of those who have lost their life in war over the decades starting with Roger's own father who had died in WWII.
Great show overall! I do hope he puts a DVD out of this concert tour.
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