Comments on Yahoo news articles. Just wow!
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Thu Nov-18-10 01:13 PM
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Comments on Yahoo news articles. Just wow! |
I don't know why I even view them. I guess to reaffirm what a hateful, racist, ingnorant society we live in. I was checking out the comments on the Rangell article and a bunch of them were calling for him to be lynched or have a burning tire put around him. Un-fricken-believable. And just about every article includes a bunch of anti-Obama comments. No matter what the topic is. Almost as bad as the Freepers. I'm going to have to quit going there.
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Thu Nov-18-10 01:19 PM
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1. yeah, those responses aren't usually very sophisticated or progressive, I've |
noticed. But you think they would yank the really awful ones!
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Thu Nov-18-10 02:47 PM
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3. I've reported some of the offensive ones |
But it's like digging a hole in water.
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Thu Nov-18-10 01:23 PM
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2. I never bother with the comments on news sites. I just read the articles. |
"I swear, this really happened..."
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Thu Nov-18-10 02:53 PM
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4. When you see comments like this... |
Two things would fix this problem... a tall tree and a short piece of rope.....
You wonder why they don't lock the thread and remove the nastier ones.
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Thu Nov-18-10 03:08 PM
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5. I just go in and thumbs up the liberal comments |
And thumbs down the morans. Sometimes we liberals actually make some headway.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:31 PM
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