Or at least till after I say them.
But that might be more from controlled information sets then from it not being an easy thought.
Here is something I have never heard anyone say.
The comment, "Every hair on your head is numbered, or counted" That verse has an interpretation that is huge.
In 3d computer development the hair was the toughest to model, and it was not till each strand of hair was its own object that 3d hair was able to look real in CGI.
I think that is more of a metaphor, from some flaws in the concept, but that sounds like something a software engineer living today would say, even though it was said 2000 years ago.
So I understand the draw to tron and matrix doctrines, but they seem limited, and do not match some realities, but the best thing to learn from them, is if something spiritual is treating you bad, don't follow it, it will eventually move on to something else or even change its ways. I think that is why people get kicked around for awhile, then eventually they get help from better ideas. And the tron and matrix doctrine has errors in it, basically it seems to be a despair doctrine to make people think it is hopeless, which it is not as shown by many examples in life.
Although again just a metaphor, but it makes sense that those that stand up for right would get dumped by bad, and picked up by good. Unfortunately hard to make a case for self luxury at the cost of others within good realms, so their is a paradox in there. Seems you have to make the whole world better.
I posted about MMOs being a model for society, and in MMOs there was always a few guilds that had the 'purpose' of helping people. And not because the world is an MMO, but because MMOs model the world, it seems that it makes sense that many in the outer worlds would be that way also.
But anyways, really hard to know if your thought that nobody else says is really that unique, or just not said in many places that have the biggest megaphones.