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HEADS UP, Zappa fans: New 3-CD set in honor of his 70th birthday, 1978 Live @ Hammersmith Odeon

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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-22-10 05:39 PM
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HEADS UP, Zappa fans: New 3-CD set in honor of his 70th birthday, 1978 Live @ Hammersmith Odeon

Disc one

1. Convocation / Purple Lagoon intro
2. Dancin’ Fool
3. Peaches
4. The Torture Never Stops
5. Tryin To Grow A Chin
6. City Of Tiny Lites
7. Baby Snakes
8. Pound For A Brown

Disc two

1. I Have Been In You
2. Flakes
3. Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
4. Punky’s Whips
5. Titties And Beer
6. Audience Participation
7. The Black Page #2
8. Jones Crusher
9. The Little House I Used To Live In

Disc three

1. Dong Work For Yuda
2. Bobby Brown
3. Envelopes
4. Terry Firma
5. Disco Boy
6. King Kong
7. Watermelon ( Prequel )
8. Dinah Moe
9. Camarillo Brillo
10. Muffin Man
11. Black Napkins
12. San Ber’dino
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