Was "Avatar" satanic?
Mark Driscoll thinks so. In fact, the founder of Seattle's Mars Hill Church told his congregation last Sunday that the highest grossing movie of all time is "the most demonic, satanic film I've ever seen."
If you follow local theological circles, you know Driscoll is something of a superstar among national evangelical leaders. Or at least, he's someone to watch.
Driscoll helped build the popular Mars Hill Church into one of the most talked about evangelical mega-churches in the country, despite its home at the heart of a secular stronghold. That distinction, combined with his church's culturally savvy but socially and theologically conservative views, gives him significant weight in religious debate.
Or at least, significant attention.
Though his "Avatar" comments made up just a fraction of the Feb. 14 sermon, Driscoll managed to condemn the film in both religious and nonreligious terms. He denounced its "demonic paganism," but also a message that "primitive is good and advanced is bad." He resented its portrayal of a "false Jesus" and a "false heaven," but also the idea of "connecting, literally, with trees and animals and beasts and birds."
His main objection appears to be that "Avatar" preaches a worship of "created things" rather than the creator. Of nature rather than God.
In that, Driscoll sees demons. And demons -- to him as to many Christians -- are as common as weeds.