I've never been late. Anything I should know?
Tuesday Afternoon
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Fri Nov-26-10 11:18 AM
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I've never been late. Anything I should know? |
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Fri Nov-26-10 11:24 AM
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1. The blue line means you're pregnant. |
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Fri Nov-26-10 11:29 AM
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I thought the pink squiggly line meant you're pregnant, the two blue lines meant you aren't pregnant and the single blue line meant you'd won the Powerball but you'll never remember where you put that ticket.
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Fri Nov-26-10 11:32 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. No, no, no. The squiggly pink lines mean you have chlamydia. |
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Fri Nov-26-10 11:37 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
4. Also, the double-yellow line means "do not pass" and the squiggle on the dotted line means |
a computer forged the signature for a company that bought your mortgage but can't find the paper work
Gidney N Cloyd
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Fri Nov-26-10 11:56 AM
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8. If the line is busy, call back later. |
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Fri Nov-26-10 11:40 AM
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5. The solid white line on your right means you're driving on the wrong side of the road. n/t |
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Fri Nov-26-10 11:42 AM
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6. It's Friday morning, so we'll have a moment of silence for the late Tuesday Afternoon |
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Fri Nov-26-10 11:50 AM
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7. If you're going to be more than four hours late, you need to find someone to cover your shift |
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Fri Nov-26-10 12:18 PM
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And it does help if you call to tell them, but it won't reduce the fee.
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Fri Nov-26-10 12:52 PM
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10. You're not the White Rabbit. |
Although Alice might disagree. Go ask her.
era veteran
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Fri Nov-26-10 12:55 PM
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11. Wipe your hands on your tires and complain about your |
flat tire when you get in.
Joe Fields
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Fri Nov-26-10 01:43 PM
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Fri Nov-26-10 01:46 PM
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13. See if the plane is being held for some other reason |
I was late for my first overseas flight, and lucked out that the large school group who was also on the plane hadn't arrived yet, so they held the flight for the kids.
Fly safe!
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Fri Nov-26-10 01:57 PM
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14. I checked on your profile just to see if you're a female |
Edited on Fri Nov-26-10 01:58 PM by lunatica
LOL! And yes! You are!
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Fri Nov-26-10 02:34 PM
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15. pregnancy last 10 months not 9. |
Lil Missy
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Fri Nov-26-10 04:10 PM
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16. could be cervical cancer |
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Fri Nov-26-10 04:14 PM
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17. Yes, somehow you must |
indicate this is a copycat.
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Wed Mar 19th 2025, 02:20 PM
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