From BBC News:
Berlin officials plan to introduce litter bins that say "thank you" when you deposit your rubbish in them. About 20 of the hi-tech, solar-powered bins will appear on the city's streets in April, in a drive to raise people's awareness of the litter problem.
But they will not look very different from the existing 20,300 bins in the German capital, a spokesman for the city's cleaning service said.
"The bin should become a sympathetic partner," said Bernd Mueller.
The prototype bins are designed to be "fun" - each one can be programmed to say different things, even in other languages, Mr Mueller told BBC News Online. "The idea is to raise people's awareness," he said. The batteries installed in the bins will also illuminate them at night.
<snip>"Sympathetic partner": does he mean Osama?
...and what's more the new Bins (or is it Bin Ladens?) won't swear at you if you urinate in them or set fire to them with cigarette butts..