Otherwise you might
wind up like this German man;
The 64-year-old intended to seal off his cellar to save on heating bills, but was on the wrong side of his wall when the last cemented brick was slotted into place at his home in Gumperda, near Leipzig. He then had to tunnel through a brick wall to escape via a neighbour's house.
"Whoops, you might say," said police spokesman. He was trapped in his man-made dungeon for two days before deciding to use a jackhammer on the wall leading to his neighbour's home.
But the German man had been feuding with his neighbours for months, and as he emerged through the hole, he was met by police who are now considering charging him with disturbance of the peace. As the hammer bit through the last bits of concrete and plaster the pensioner emerged through the hole into the arms of waiting police who are now considering disturbance of the peace.
It is unclear why he did not demolish the wall he had already built but police suspect he was too proud of his creation to destroy it.