Ever link an outside website and watched a potential discussion on the issues turn into a 130 post flame fest on the merits of arguing about the message vs arguing about the messenger?
Ever post a link only to have it brought up in every thread you post in for days on end?
Well folks I have a solution and I suggest we all take it to heart.
We should all post links with a disclaimer. I've come up with some sample language, but if anyone has suggestions I'm certainly open to them.
By clicking this link you acknowledge that the link is being offered solely as a public service and a convenience for reaching information on another website. You understand that by linking this website the poster of the link is offering only a link to a website and not an opinion on the information contained in either the linked website or in websites linked by the linked website. You agree that the poster of the link is not responsible for the content of the website at the link or of websites linked by the website at the link. Any attempt to bypass this disclaimer to reach the linked website will be viewed as the bypasser taking responsibility into his or her own hands and will absolve the poster of the link of all responsibility on the matter of the link.That way if you need to post a 2 line news blurb from newsmax or worldnetdaily because no one else has a link yet you can do it safely, without worrying about people freaking out about links to newsmax or worldnetdaily or freerepublic.
By clicking this link you acknowledge that the link is being offered solely as a public service and a convenience for reaching information on another website. You understand that by linking this website the poster of the link is offering only a link to a website and not an opinion on the information contained in either the linked website or in websites linked by the linked website. You agree that the poster of the link is not responsible for the content of the website at the link or of websites linked by the website at the link. Any attempt to bypass this disclaimer to reach the linked website will be viewed as the bypasser taking responsibility into his or her own hands and will absolve the poster of the link of all responsibility on the matter of the link.What do you guys think?