Too much cheap champagne? Or did I hear Ke$ha say "douchebag" to Ryan Seacrest?
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Sat Jan-01-11 09:54 AM
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Too much cheap champagne? Or did I hear Ke$ha say "douchebag" to Ryan Seacrest? |
Wasn't that her resolution, to not be a douchebag?
It's a good one.
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Sat Jan-01-11 10:16 AM
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1. I'd recommend she start |
by throwing away the blue lipstick. She looked like she blew a Smurf. :scared:
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Sat Jan-01-11 10:32 AM
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2. Cyndi Lauper called: wants her torn stockings from the 80's back!... |
somebody get Kesha a stylist PLEEEEEEEEEEZE!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:32 AM
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