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Something about correlations.

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RandomThoughts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-11 08:07 PM
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Something about correlations.
Edited on Mon Jan-03-11 08:12 PM by RandomThoughts
Have you ever noticed that sometime you might say something, then notice someone else said the same thing? Or you may see two people saying the same things.

Many people start to think there is some conspiracy when that happens.

There are many ways for that to happen.

A person could have read something someone else wrote, felt it made sense and said it also repeating it, "and they tell two friends and they tell two friends"

It could also be that two people came up with the same idea. The concept that many people come to the same conclusions, because some things make sense..

It could also be that many people are given the same thoughts or inspiration, the idea the lady with the garden said about many people having access to the same spiritual ideas, or in metaphor the idea of a shared dll in the operating system.

It could also be that someone says something, then it is added into some historical record to make it look like someone else said it first. Done by people it would be advanced propaganda, if seen supernaturally that is what gets many people to believe in temporal lore, or time travel. Or could be a tell two friends but outside of linear time, making the person that said it second in linear time inspiring the person that said it first.

Correlations and cause and effect are not always the most obvious of possibilities. I don't believe in temporal lore, and like the idea of inspired thoughts, although could be good or bad, and ideas that many people come up with the same truths.

Also watching the V visitors show on tv, they shaded the outfits to make them look orange not the original red that the series use to have. Someone also changed some of the dialog in The Stand. However as King knows with Nick Andros taking the label off of Big Tom's sleeve, that would be label trap, and king uses many labels in that movie, depends if you see the label or what the person thinks as told in that story.

You may have noticed many stories talk about 'frozen' Logan's run, that series V. Much of that is a metaphor for those that think on the doctrines around spirits as ghosts. In Logan's run, the unfeeling machine would be a guard. Also Tommy Knockers has many label traps, and ideas in it like that also.

On the concept of addiction, some think me posting about 'beer' many times is somehow me fighting an addiction. I am saying I am not addicted to beer, but like to have a beer around friends once in awhile, so while they think I am fighting the concept of having a beer, I am disagreeing with their concept of saying having a beer is bad for everyone. Some should not drink, and if they recognize that, great. But some can drink, different for different people. But trying to set effects by coercion on topics like that is basically society making it easier for people in charge, security over freedom. I am not saying I need a beer, I am saying that should be my choice, and that I can have a beer and still have many better thoughts.

On the topic of the song Going to California. Interestingly that can be saying like the series Babylon 5 did, where one side tries to find love for people, or like Dune, the idea of matching people together, so some are given some position that makes it easier to find someone in their lives. I don't think that is what it is about, more about everyone looks for love, and in many ways, and in that story, although it could be about finding eve, women never born, a really nice way of saying everyone should have companionship, or finding spiritual love, like the white mare, it is a really beautiful thought in a song.

What is funny, from some thoughts after posting that song, is the idea of what is a king pf queen, many think the rich or status types, or most noticed are the kings and queens. I figure most of the kings and queens, are working in grocery stores, factories, in parks, and yes even bars, libraries, and anywhere else there are people. Although I think it is funny that some think status or something like money would define nobility, and well said by the Brave Heart movie by Mel. "Does the soldier that bleeds on the battlefield give any less?" Or the nobility of the lady that gives 2 cents.

And of coarse that would also include many people of 'status' or wealth, to not think that would be the same as anyone that only thought that. Maybe that is what it is to not think of importance of ideas of nobility, and also a noble thought.

Also that does not mean that is what those ideas are about to someone else, but they are a way to think on it to think on those topics.

Going to California by Led Zeppelin

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Duer 157099 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-03-11 09:04 PM
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1. Really, that happens to you?
Someone says the same thing as you have? I find that pretty hard to believe... :D
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