Well, not me personally. But someone a lot like me. There are plenty of good men out there who feel the same way as you.
I know for me, it seems like everyone I know is happily married, just like I wanted to be. I don't know how to date in my 40s. Sometimes, I don't even know for sure that I want to. But I don't want to be alone forever, and I don't want the romantic part of my life to be over with this early.
I think I'm at an age (you probably are too) where I feel a sense of urgency. I pretty much look and feel the same as i did when I was 30, but I can do the math and know that it isn't going to last forever. If I'm ever going to replace that wayward wife of mine, I feel like I need to hurry and get the process started while I'm still young and *pretty*. On the other hand, I'm just not ready. Which sucks. Cause for me, waiting is the right thing to do, but I'm impatient dammit!
I'm not saying take him back, but *forgive* your douche of an ex-boyfriend. I would not have treated you that way. But I sympathize with him. He's just another heartbroken damaged idiot, much like myself. He's not ready for a real relationship, and may never be. I'm still legally married, and I think I'm more ready than he is.
I don't know why, but it always makes me feel better to think of the worst case scenario. What if I am "alone" for the rest of my life? It would suck, but there are other things I could fill my life with. I could still have a good and happy life.
Focus on developing your friendships and your relationships with relatives. Develop new hobbies and expand your current ones. Become a more interesting person. Those are the kinds of things I'm trying to do.
I imagine the type of woman I would like to end up with someday, and I try to make myself more and more like the kind of man she would want and deserve.
Most of the things people will tell you will sound like plattitudes at best and bullshit at worst, especially the happily married folks who've never had to face this. Just smile at them. They mean well. (That includes me ;))
Sometimes I feel like I really need a new woman in my life. That is a great sign that I'm *not* ready for one. When, and if, the time is right for me - it won't be because I need a woman or want a woman. It won't be about having a *woman* in my life at all. It'll be about having "Amy" in my life - 'cause there's something special about her. Not just needing a generic "woman". It's only my bruised ego (and sex drive) that wants that.
Rambling enough for ya? Sorry. Just hope I said *something* that might make you feel better.
Anyway, you're not alone.