Visible to the "naked eye"!
Jupiter and Uranus's Close Encounter
For the first 11 days of January, Jupiter and Uranus are less than a degree apart. Jupiter is bright in the southwest, shining at magnitude -2.4. Uranus shines at magnitude 6 and is best found with binoculars or, even better, a telescope. On January 1, Uranus will be to Jupiter's upper right. On the 3rd and 4th, Uranus will have moved in to less than a half degree of Jupiter, their closest pairing. On January 5 the two are nearly side by side, and in the days afterward Uranus sinks to Jupiter's lower right. Remember that through a telescope the view is inverted, meaning Uranus will start out the month looking as if it's to the lower left and moving to the upper left.
Read more at Suite101: Night Sky Observing Guide for January 2011